You Will Never Guess Who Showed Up For The Carbon Copy Pro Training Live Master Marketing Event

You Will Never Guess Who Showed Up For The Carbon Copy Pro Training Live Master Marketing Event

Latest Casino News 17 Dec , 2017 0

The Carbon Copy Pro Marketing Event welcomed Network marketers from all over the world Countries like Japan, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, South Africa and many others. Would you travel more than 24 hours to get to one day online network marketing training event, some of these men and women did.

It was the hype created by the anticipation of meeting and learning from the top internet network marketing professionals in the world that attracted so many .. In attendance were Jay Kubassek and Aarron Parkinson (Carbon Copy Pro), Brian Fanale (MLMLeadsystemPro), Ferny Ceballos and Raymond Fong (SEO Networker) and Kip Herridge and Karl Bessey (Wealth Masters International).

The affair was held at the Paris Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas Nevada USA. The air was filled energy and excitement in anticipation of the release of the new Carbon Copy Pro 3.0 Internet Network Marketing Training and Education System. The MC was John Jackson who is Vice President of Leadership Development and he did a splendid job of keeping things rolling and on time during the day.

The real training was kicked off by the online video marketing authority of the stars, Mike Koenigs of Traffic Geyser. Mike laid out precisely how and what a skilled marketer needs to successfully make and distribute video on the internet for profit. He was followed by an inspirational story of a Carbon Copy Pro Leader and her son. He was hearing impaired from a young age, until very recently, due to developments in technology. Able to overcome his handicap he not only started his own business, but also became an excellent speaker, as everyone in attendance could confirm. Before lunch it was absolutely about the power of the spouse with an exceptional panel. This was a top producers rags to riches story told from a perspective most of us had never heard.

The afternoon was everything you would expect from an internet network marketing training conference. The titles of the afternoon sessions say it all:

"Killer Keywords" by Cherie Yvette (The Urban Cowgirl)

"Step by Step to Seven Figures" Andrew Cass (CCPro Top Earner & Very First Member)

"The Millionaire Roundtable" by Aaron Parkinson (CCPro Co-Founder)

And And finally the moment we had all been waiting for, the New Internet Network Marketing Training and Education System was unwrapped. A proved global internet marketing system was the incubator for this new concept that will revolvationalize training in an industry that before was only for those within. Carbon Copy Pro has always had strong network marketing training, tools and support available to professional internet network marketing veterans and newbie's alike. So what is different is spoken in the new slogan, "teach anyone to market anything, anytime from anywhere the internet is present."

Business owners small and large are suffering in these current times, CarbonCopyPro 3.0 has opened the door to the future, which may help a couple of entrepreneurs keep their doors from closing. Small business owners, direct sales people and anyone with a product or service to market can take advantage of this training. At a time in our history when instant gratification is expected by most, these two men have created a product and plan to help those who desire, do just that.


Source by Jim Whittaker


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