A Few Suggestions to Keep Yourself Risk-Free When Working With a Bank to Take Out Funds
Latest Casino News TopCasinoGames.eu 22 Dec , 2017 0
Bank machines or ATM machines are often targeted by criminals seeking unsuspecting customers. Unfortunately, customers of ATM machines are in many cases easier to rob. A number of criminals and crooks have discovered this. Irrespective of how careful you might be, the following suggestions should assist you in avoiding some of the more common types of fraud.
The three tips discussed in this article are designed to help improve your personal safety when withdrawing cash from an ATM.
Tip One: Use caution any time you use an ATM.
Criminals may target people using drive through ATM machines or standalone ATM machines, even in the middle of the day. If no one is near you at the ATM you have chosen to use, it might not matter how many people are in the vicinity. Not that many individuals are going to pay much attention to you, and few will get involved if someone comes up to you.
If someone threatens you with a weapon, such as a gun, it will be extremely unlikely that you are going to consider shouting for help. Common etiquette and courtesy dictate that we do not crowd or otherwise pay excessive attention to someone using a bank machine. It is instinctive for most honest people to do this.
Tip Two: Do not forget to pay close attention to who is behind you.
It is a commonly used tactic for the crook to just pretend they are deeply involved in a cell phone conversation. This is one of the more obvious ways a thief will try in order to approach closer to you. If the thief is able to get close enough in order for them to quickly take a video or photo, they will have captured your PIN transaction and card number. After this is done the thief will now have a copy of your PIN number, and your full card number. Once they have this it is easy for them to copy your card, after which they will have no trouble accessing your account.
Tip Three: Do not ignore the people in line before you either.
Often the thief will be the customer in front of you unsuccessfully attempting to use the ATM machine. The thief using the ATM in front of you will appear to be distraught, and confused, because they have not been able to successfully access the ATM. Even though the thief will politely tell you that they were unable to make the ATM work, you will still attempt to use it. When you access your bank account, there will be no problem. While you are accessing your account, the thief has been waiting patiently in line, and will try the machine once more after you have left.
A temporary trust bond will be established between you and the thief, due to the fact that you solved the problem of the non-functioning ATM. The thief will successfully have stolen not only your PIN number, but also your account number, because of the trust established. This will be a direct result of your actions much more than those of the thief. As a means of effectively stealing from your financial accounts, the thief has abused both your trust and your good nature.
Source by Jon J Nestorovic