Winning Lottery Strategies – To "Quick Pick" or Not to Quick Pick

Winning Lottery Strategies – To "Quick Pick" or Not to Quick Pick

Latest Casino News 07 Apr , 2017 0

The lotto quick pick system is one of the most commonly used methods for Powerball, Mega Millions, and other famous lottery games worldwide. A great number of players prefer to have the decisions made for them by lottery computers.

Around 70% to 80% of the lotto ticket purchases are made using the quick pick system. That's according to the USA Powerball webpage. And the percentage of Powerball winners range from 70% to 80% as well. And they are also through the quick pick system.

What does this say? Does this indicate that choosing the quick pick ( QP) method is better than selecting your own number combination?

Quick picks are preferred by many people as it does not give out similar numbers, and the excitement they cause is not as much as when you choose your own number.

Still, in terms of winning the lottery, you can benefit more from choosing your combination of numbers.

Number one is that you will be able to choose the number selection that you like. And this is very important. If you choose your own number combination, they can reflect the real range of the winning combination.

Say, the lottery QP system can give you 32, 34, 37, 39, 42, 49. Or worse, you could even be given 1, 3, 7, 10, 11, 13.

These quick pick selections will not be of use to you. Why? Because it is very uncommon for these combinations, the ones picked at both ends of the game's number group, to win.

So, this basically means that you are wasting your money on QP tickets because combinations like these are unlikely to win.

Another benefit in choosing your own number combination, or utilizing a system, is the possibility that you will be able to get rid of the numbers that are not as effective. This may be as much as 98% of the non-workable number combinations.

Choosing your own numbers gives you a greater chance in hitting the jackpot.

Finally, it is known that most of the lottery winners are the ones who did not change their number combination for years. One example is the couple, Chris and Tina Crane. In October, the couple won a sum of $42,000,000 in Mega Millions.

Instances like this happen a lot. This goes to show how effective using your own numbers is.

Find out the faster way to win the lottery by visiting my lottery blog, see my author bio below.

I wish you good luck,



Source by Jason L Thomas


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