Take A Drive To Italy When You Rent Car In Greece

Take A Drive To Italy When You Rent Car In Greece

Latest Casino News 17 Jul , 2018 0

If you are someone who harbors a secret desire to rent car in Greece and use it to drive over to Italy for a vacation, sometimes it may come as no small surprise to you that it can actually be done. Making this work will require some knowledge of the car ferry boat routes between Greece and Italy.

Some of these ferry service companies will let you sleep in your car and save the money you would otherwise spend on a cabin with a bed. This is an option they offer their customers called 'Camping on Board', and is commonly available only when the weather is suitable. While on-board travelers who do this can use the on board showers and bathrooms.

If you have time to spare, a jaunt from Corfu to Venice on one of those super-fast boats while located in your car can make for an exciting adventure and wonderful conversation starter if you are up to it. The trip one-way can take as much 21 hours so you will need to plan accordingly. Food and drink are available on-board, but you are welcome to bring your own.

The car ferry craft used for these kinds of excursions today should not in any way be confused with the rickety old boats seen in those classic black and white films where people and cargo travel in the same quarters. Modern ferry boats are super fast and can easily remind you of small luxury cruise liners with all their on-board refinements. All that's missing is the casino.

When you arrive in Venice you are ready to explore Italy's most beautiful landscapes and historic attractions, and you will be glad you came by automobile because you can experience all the glory of old Venice and still have time to catch Milan, Lake Como and other places like the picturesque Cinque Terre on the Italian Riviera.

Venice, Italy is famous for being at times very much underwater. It is an island in a lagoon. To get your car off you need to transfer to another ferry on an other nearby island where you can park your car or take a bridge to the mainland.

The only access for road vehicles to the mainland from the car park is the Ponte della Liberta causeway, a bridge connecting the city of Venice to the rest of Italy. If Venice is your destination then Venezia St. Louis, Lucia is a great place to start, to get there park your car on Tronchetto and hop on the Venice People Mover or jump in a vaporetto, the city's world-famous motorized water-taxi craft.

Combining a Greek island getaway with a motor trip to Italy would make for a nice Mediterranean holiday, and a great way to accomplish this is to do it by high-speed ferry craft between these two coastal wonderlands. So, the next time you get a hankering for Greek architecture and Italian food, just remember, you can always rent car in Greece and drive it to Italy.


Source by John Volpe


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